"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work...I want to achieve it through not dying."-Woody Allen, an American entertainer.
Everybody wishes to have a longer live.They want to enjoy the life endlessly as they say "There are many things I wish I can do in my live".Well,I do!I want to get everything that I wish to have and at the same time going somewhere that I never been before.
Doing all those things indeed requires TIME which means having a longer live.How to live longer?
Here are some info which can help us having a longer live...
1) It begins with our attitudes.Our way of thinking actually can influence on how long we live. Researchers in Rochester, Minn found that optimistic people decrease their risk of early death by 50% compared to those who leaned more towards pessimism.So, let's have positive thinking, peeps!
2) Quit smoking also can help us leading a longer live.Smoking actually major factor of contributing to lung cancer and the mixture of nicotine and carbon monoxide in each cigarette we smoke can increase heart rate and blood pressure.Then, it cause the straining of our heart and blood vessels.Please stop smoking for the sake of our bodies, people!
3) Get laughing is like a mini- workout to ourselves as it lower the level of stress hormones and increase the activity of the body's natural defensive killer cells and antibodies.Dr William Fry, a cardiologist in United States discovers that 100-200 laughs are equivalent to 10 minutes of jogging or rowing. A great discovery,isn't it? So,let's laugh more often people!
4)Get an enough sleep can increase one's life expectancy.A research carried out in United States by a group of psychiatrists found that people who get only six to seven hours sleep a night live longer.People who sleep less than four hours a night shown to have a SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER DEATH RATE.
5)Exercise regularly can less chance of developing coronary heart disease heart disease and males are having more chance to get heart attack compared to females.A researcher, Dr Ken Cooper of the Cooper Institute of Aerobic Research in United States mentioned that people in the lower 20% of fitness were three times more likely to die prematurely than the fittest group.Let's walk,run,jump peers!
Now, we know how to live longer happily with our partners,right?Let's leading a life towards it,people....:-))
Husband: I love you till last of my breath...
Wife:Oh,so sweetttttt...... |